Accessibility Statement
We are working hard to make digital services accessible to people with disabilities, and we have invested considerable resources in making the site accessible to them as much as possible so that everyone can realize their right to live in equality, dignity and independence.
This site is operated by the accessibility component and other actions are carried out according to the guidelines for the accessibility of content on the Internet at the AA level, which is subject to the developer's terms of use The site's use and implementation responsibility applies to the site owners and / or anyone on its behalf, including the content displayed on the site.
How does accessibility work?
The accessibility menu is located on the side of the site. Clicking on the accessibility tag opens a menu containing accessibility buttons. To reset the selections, press the Cancel Access button.
what is on the menu?
Navigation by keyboard
Increase and Decrease Website Font
Block flickering
Change color contrast based on backgrounds
Adjustment for the visually impaired
Change font to read more Highlight links (color)
Marking links (underline)
Reset the accessibility
Accessibility Statement
Contact Us
In addition, the site contains an alternative description of images - ALT
We do our best to make surfing the site accessible on all pages of the site, but there may be pages on the site that have not yet been updated or if there is still no suitable technological solution, and to improve the accessibility of the site as much as possible.